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Kodak Photo CD Picture  |  1994-03-29  |  4MB  |  128x192  |  16-bit (19,583 colors)
Labels: text | flag of the united states | rectangle | picture frame | handwriting | flag
OCR: THE NEW NATIONAL ANTHEM HAIL *** TO THE **** STARS ***** AND * ******* STRIPES BY JOSEPH MILLER Hail to the Stars and Stripes! An emblem cherished throughout the world. Here in our own fair land, unfurled. Hail to the Stars and Stripes ! Our fathers followed where it led, And noblup toiled and fought and bled Jo keep before our raptured eyes It's splendor streaming in the skies. And bip The Grace of God We'll tread the path they trod. We see it wave with our hearts a-thrill, High on the top of Freedoms hill. HAIL TO THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE! OLD GLORY FOR EVER! ANTHONY L. CIAMPA Musical Instruments Music & Jewelry LEOMINSTER, MASS. THE KNAPP CO. , INC ., PUBLISHED BY C.C.CHURCH AND COMPANY, 60 ALLYN ST. HARTFORD, CONN, USA $ .60 NEW YORK OFFICE, 1367 BROADWAY-AUSTRALIAN AGENTS , NICHOLSON & CO. LTD, SYDNEY